Mental Wellbeing ❤️

We have a different perspective on mental wellbeing – our mission is to help our clients build strength and resilience, and devise pragmatic strategies for personal growth.

What makes a “healthy” mind?

We take a whole-person approach to emotional wellbeing, using language, imagery, body work and movement to strengthen positive neuropsychological and neurohormonal pathways, optimise the mind so it is robust yet flexible, enhance your emotional resilience, thus providing you with the tools to manage stress, anxiety, and everyday life pressures. Here are some useful tips you can practice right away:

Reframe your thinking

We need to reflect and find acceptance in what is, before we can take control. Imagine life’s obstacles as opportunities for growth and resilience, and see challenges as stepping stones in the pursuit of personal contentment and happiness.

Simplify Your Life

Marie Kondo, a celebrity on personal decluttering, shows us that our external surroundings mirror our internal state. To find peace and contentment, we must first declutter our physical space. By simplifying and eliminating non-essential items, we create a harmonious environment that sparks joy and serenity. 

Order and Structure

Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist and the author of “Twelve Rules for Life” underscores the significance of establishing order and structure in  our immediate environment. By organising and ordering our surroundings, we gain a sense of control and mastery over our lives, paving the way to greater personal achievement.

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