Jaw Pain

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and adjacent soft tissues, commonly known as the jaw, can cause significant pain and disruption to a person’s quality of life.

TMJ dysfunction can the be result of various factors, including stress, teeth grinding, jaw misalignment, or trauma. Symptoms may include jaw pain, headaches, clicking or popping sounds, and limited mouth opening. In this article, we discuss some non-invasive treatment options available to alleviate this discomfort.

Manual Therapy

Our physiotherapists and chiropractors assess the function of the jaw joint and may use hands-on treatment to guide and help certain soft tissue to relax and stretch, e.g. the masseter muscles (chewing muscles) or the suboccipital muscles (below the back of the head) and joint movements, thus relieving tension and discomfort associated with movements. We also work with patients on posture correction and stress management to prevent recurring issues. By promoting proper jaw movement and analysing contributing factors, treatment can be personalised and comprehensive in addressing TMJ symptoms.



Acupuncture is particularly useful when muscles or joints are very tense and/or if there are other associated symptoms, e.g. tension headache or jaw muscle spasm. It can be used as a primary treatment or a complementary or preparatory treatment to manual therapy or exercises.

Exercise Prescription

Head-neck posture and movement control play a significant role in the proper movement of the jaw. In addition to manual therapy, we prescribe exercises to help patients retrain or control certain certain jaw movements, to harmonise and optimise the relationship between and among soft tissues and joints.

Stress management

Many TMJ patients find the greatest relief by combining physical treatment, motor control exercises and stress management. This multi-modal approach addresses both the structural and functional aspects of TMJ. This is where guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation combined with movement based therapy is of great benefit – to stay comfort and poise in motion.

Team Approach

TMJ Dysfunction can be a painful and life-disrupting condition, but relief is attainable. We work with dentists who may take X-rays, offer injections or occlusal braces to assist with jaw alignment, to offer non-invasive, holistic solutions that address the various causes and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.

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