Amy Sun

Chiropractor - Amy Sun

Expertise: neck pain, headache, postural faults, shoulder dysfunctions

Speaks English and Mandarin

Amy Sun graduated from the masters of chiropractic at Macquarie University after completing a degree in pharmaceutical science.

As a chiropractor, Amy has a particular interest in the care and treatment of  low back pain, neck pain, and cervicogenic headache, , which have become prevalent among all age groups, due to an increased usage of electronic devices.

Amy is proficient in various manual therapy skills including soft tissue release, joint manipulation and mobilisation, neural mobilisation, etc. She is also certified in dry needling, which is a form of western acupuncture with a musculoskeletal focus.

Patients complement Amy on her gentle manner, and her listening and communication skills. Amy builds great rapport with her patients and people feel at ease in her care.

Amy’s number 1 patient was her own mother. She feels a great sense of pride being able to help her with neck pain and stiffness. Amy also shows her mum exercises and stretches to maintain a good posture and range of motion in the neck and shoulders.

This is what Amy hopes to achieve for each and everyone of her patients, to move well and stay well.

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