Postural Assessment


This package contains two parts – a one-hour assessment and a half-hour review of findings with a report and a personalised set of recommended exercises (videos) to practice. If you have private health insurance, rebate is typically available for the treatment depending on the type and level of your coverage.

In the assessment, we go through your clinical history (pain, stiffness, injuries, surgeries, etc), and assess your posture and movement patterns, to help design your own individual stretching and exercise programs. In the half-hour appointment, we go through the significant findings and your own customised exercise program.

Why is customisation important?

As an example, if there are a man and a woman who both want to improve the look of their neck and shoulder posture. The man wants to look better in a suit and the lady wants to look better in a ball gown.

Other than common elements of stretching out the cervicothoracic junction, for the man, it may be useful to develop some isometric strength in the upper trapezius and deltoid to accentuate the shoulder region.

We may ask the woman to first stretch the sternocleidomastoid, pec major and minor muscles and strengthen the deep neck flexor to appear taller, and serratus anterior to minimise scapular winging and to open up the upper chest, so she appears more confident.

In reality, we frequently need to take into account more factors including pre-existing injuries, blood pressure, medications, among others.

If there is any treatment is necessary, we will do what we can on the day to get you started. If more comprehensive therapy is required, we also inform you what the procedures and costs are.

If we find anything unexpected, with your permission we will liaise with your GP and relevant health professionals.

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