
Physiotherapist & Acupuncturist - Mark Wu
Mark Wu

*For Acupuncture or Chinese medicine consults, please book using Follow-up Physio Consult time slots*

Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It involves the insertion of very fine needles at specific points on your body, in order to stimulate flow of energy, hence restoring normal physiological function and equilibrium.

In the West, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Neurophysiology research suggests acupuncture relieves pain and facilitates aspect of tissue healing by stimulating nervous system pathways and hormones involving the perception of pain and dilation of blood vessels, among others. 

While regulations in Australia allow certain health professionals to perform “dry needling” in patients with musculoskeletal symptoms by completing short courses, these tend to focus on treatment of myofascial (muscle and soft tissue) pain, and do not cover in-depth the aspects of diagnosis and point selection considerations of acupuncture.

As an example, in treatment of cervicogenic (neck related) headaches, it is common to “dry needle” local trigger points in the muscles and joints in the neck, to relieve symptoms. The acupuncturist, typically would also complement the local points, with distant or systemic points, depending on each person’s particular signs and symptoms.

It is said that a skilled acupuncturist should have a framework in mind, to address the “branches” and “root” of a condition. The treatment is then refined with various manipulation techniques and/or electroacupuncture based on the therapeutic dosage or pain relief required.

At Well and More Clinic, we utilise a combination of techniques. We are proficient in manual therapy to help relieve joint and soft tissue restrictions, and we also show patients on specific exercises to improve and maintain function.

In these aforementioned ways, our philosophy and practice are very much modern, holistic, pragmatic and evidence-based, not just “traditional”.

This is how we stay true to our mission, to help each individual move well and stay well, by offering the highest standard of care and wide choices of therapeutic tools.

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