Dizziness and disorientation are common symptoms that present to the physiotherapists and doctors. Some causes of dizziness are serious and acute, and need prompt medical attention.
Here are some words that mean different things, can happen simultaneously, but are often used interchangeably:
Dizziness – a feeling of being light-headed and “woozy”.
Vertigo – a feeling that your surroundings are spinning even if you’re standing still.
Fainting – a feeling that one is about to lose consciousness.
A common cause of dizziness presented at our clinic is the BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), which can be effectively treated by therapists experienced in vestibular rehabilitation.
Here you can see our team practicing the the Dix-Hallpike and Epley Manoeuvres in our continuing education.

Our perception of equilibrium has to do with congruent information from the position sensors in the upper neck, the vestibular organs in the middle ear, and our eyes. If there is incongruency of information received by the brain, we may feel disoriented. This may occur following car accidents, etc, especially there is dysfunction in the upper cervical spine. contribute to sense of disorientation.
In this case, a combination of manual therapy, acupuncture, and a functional exercise rehabilitation may be the treatment of choice depending on assessment findings.
We work with other health professionals including general practitioners, neurologists, etc., in treating dizziness appropriate and amenable to rehabilitation techniques such as BPPV and cervicogenic dizziness.
Frequently, we also work with patients and help improve those in whom balance is affected, for example, after stroke, traumatic brain injury, car accidents, or surgery (e.g. acoustic neuroma).
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